Saturday, February 28, 2015

Nutella and Strawberry French Toast Roll Ups

For my first post, I tried something completely new this morning. I learned how to make French Toast probably before I even started school. I've always loved it, and it's served as a comfort food for me. Meeting my Husband, he loved how I made my "country" french toast in two different ways, and it's been one of his favorites of mine. My stepson loves French toast sticks but loves MY french toast even more. He is such a great eater and loves his fruits and veggies, so strawberries are almost always in the house. This recipe is constantly popping up on my feed on Pinterest, so I decided to give it a go finally!

It was surprisingly a LOT easier than I expected, so don't let it scare you. It didn't take exact measurements, so I'll just tell you what I used. You can always use more or less. My boys eat like they haven't in years, so I always make plenty of food around here.

3 large eggs
Splash of milk
Loaf of white bread
10 strawberries
Cinnamon sugar
Optional: Whipped Cream

First off, you want to make sure and wash off your strawberries really well, and chop them up. You want them pretty small, so they will easily roll up. But not so small that they fall out of the ends when you're cooking them. A couple did that to me (:

When you're done, cut off the crusts of your bread as close as possible so they stay a good size. If you have a rolling pin, USE IT. You want to get your bread slices as thin as you can. The fluffier they are, the more they will rip. My first two I made, I didn't squish them at all, and they just ripped with every roll. I don't have a rolling pin since we just moved into our first home and still getting established. So Hubby's muscles came in handy here.

Now this part is all on can put as much or as little Nutella as you want! I put a somewhat thick amount on just one edge of the bread. But, if you REALLY love your Nutella, slap it on the whole piece! I then topped the edge of chocolate with some strawberries, and started rolling! Try to tuck them in on the first roll as best as possible. You should be able to get about three rolls.

Next, you want to make sure you have a pan with vegetable oil over medium - medium high heat depending on your stove. Mine gets pretty hot, so medium worked for me. Mix together your eggs and milk and carefully roll each one in the egg mixture when the oil is hot, and place each roll in the pan. It should sizzle like bacon on a hot pan. It only takes about a minute on each side, so watch them carefully. Mine turned out to become pyramids, so they took three minutes.

As soon as I took them out of the pan, I dusted each side with some cinnamon sugar and let them cool a bit. You could always use just sugar. I then served with left over strawberries and whipped cream! If you've got some chocolate syrup, it would be super good drizzled over the roll ups!

This was a hit with Hubby!! SS wasn't too sure about it since it didn't look like the french toast he's use to me making. But he got a couple down. This is definitely something I can see Hubs and I making together and munching on for breakfast or even dessert. I would definitely recommend them, and like I said, they aren't as scary as they look! You could even mix it up with different fillings! Peanut butter and bananas sounds super yummy....May have to try that next time (;

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