Monday, April 27, 2015

Chicken Fried Steak with Country Gravy

THIS. WAS. SO. DANG. YUMMY!! This was my first time making anything like that, and first time making gravy. I'm not a big gravy person, but I couldn't have imagined eating this dish without it! We all scarfed our plates down, and I could have licked it clean! So yummy. So yummy. SO YUMMY!!!


Cube steaks -
3 lbs of cube steak
1 - 1 1/2 cups milk
2 large eggs
3 cups all-purpose flour
Season salt
Few dashes of Cajun seasoning
Lots of black pepper
Canola oil for frying

Gravy -
1/3 cup flour
2 cups of milk
Lots of salt and pepper

Mix your eggs and milk in one shallow container. Mix flour, season salt, Cajun seasoning, and black pepper in another. Begin by seasoning both sides of each of your cube steaks. Dip in your egg mixture and coat each side, then your flour mixture. Coat in the eggs again, and the flour again. 
Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat, and cook your steaks about 2 - 2 1/2 mins on each side until the edges are golden brown.

For your gravy, don't clean that pan! Sprinkle 1/3 cup flour evenly over the grease. Using a whisk, mix flour with grease, creating a golden-brown paste. Keep cooking until it reaches a deep golden brown color. If paste seems more oily than pasty, sprinkle in another tablespoon of flour and whisk.Whisking constantly, pour in milk. Cook to thicken the gravy. Be prepared to add more milk if it ends up too thick. Add salt and pepper and cook for 5 to 10 minutes, until gravy is smooth and thick.

We served with homemade mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob which my Hubby made, and seasoned green beans! It was all perfect! Almost embarrassed to say Hubby ate three steaks....but, they were that good...I don't blame him. SS ate a whole cob and a half of corn!! He just kept wanting more halves! All around, it was a great night and we went to bed with happy bellies. TRY THIS!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Mug Brownie

As I've been trying to detox and eat better, I've of course had some cravings. My biggest craving for as long as I can remember has always been chocolate. Almost every night I have cravings. I've been a good little girl since moving into my own home, and keep the sweets to a minimum during our grocery trips. But when I was, of course, browsing through Pinterest, Hubby and I both craving something sweet, this one hit me hard!

Now you'll notice I'm not using my typical Simplemente Delicioso cook ware for this recipe because not only is my Avenger's mug my favorite and biggest, but it's best to make this in a mug with a flat bottom.

2 tbsps unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tbsps brown sugar
2 tbsps flour
Dash of salt and sugar
1 tbsp of vanilla extract
2 tbsps canola oil
2 tbsps water

This is easy to double or cut in half. I started out with the cut in half recipe because this is RICH. Mix your dry ingredients thoroughly so that there's no clumps. Then mix in your wet ingredients making sure there's no bubbles of dry ingredients not mixed in. Scrap the bottom corners of that mug! Microwave for one minute. 30-40 seconds if you half the recipe.

Top it with some yummy ice cream and you're good to go! My favorite part is when the ice cream melts and mixes with the brownie. Um, YUM!!!

This is easy to make as a little snack. Hubby asked for one in his lunch for work. And it's a super quick sweet treat without needing to buy a box mix, wait forever for a batch to cook, or dirty up a bunch of dishes! Try it out and let me know how you like it! (:

Mammaw's Macaroni Salad

This is 100% the ONLY macaroni salad I will ever eat. I could eat it the rest of my life if I had to, it's that good. I never liked macaroni salad until I tried my Mammaw's during a holiday dinner. Ever since then, I demand she make it every time I see her. This is the first time I've been brave enough to make it myself, and I'm pretty satisfied! Not so satisfied that I have to eat all this myself! But, it's too good to be too upset.

It's pretty simple!

Cooked elbow macaroni
One large cucumber, seeds spooned out
One tomato, seeds spooned out
One green pepper, seeds spooned out
One onion
Two stalks of celery
One- two large pickles
Three-four hard boiled eggs
About 2 cups of Duke's mayonnaise
Salt and pepper

Cook your macaroni and eggs while you dice up all of your cleaned vegetables. Mix in a large bowl, and that's it! Make sure you stir it often and salt and pepper it. It can keep for about 3-5 days. Try out this deliciousness and let me know how you like it! (: Makes me miss my Mammaw and Pappaw at each bite.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Under 500 Calorie Lemon Chicken with Asparagus

I don't why I do it to myself every single time. I'm constantly going to the grocery store or running errands without eating. Hubby took a break from work today so we could get some grocery shopping done before SS comes back home. We slept in as long as we well deserved, and headed to the bank and grocery store. Of course, without eating, like we said we needed to first the night before. So after seeing all the yummy food at the store, and grabbing a thing or two that wasn't on our list, we ended up at a fast food restaurant with bellies growling and aching. I've been trying to slowly get back into eating better, so I was immediately regretting the decision as we walked in the door.

Once we were settled at home, got some cleaning done, relaxed awhile and caught up on our favorite shows, we started to get a little hungry. We got some asparagus at the store to try, since neither of us have had it before, and we're trying out new veggies to start adding to dinners instead of our usual broccoli or peppers. So OF COURSE, I took to Pinterest. We bought lemons today for a recipe I will be posting next week, so when I saw this recipe I immediately checked it out. Once I saw how easy it was, and that I had everything it needed, I showed Hubby and our mouths began to water. Also gave me a chance to cook with lemon pepper seasoning for the first of Hubby's favorites from his parent's home. It's not a super pretty dish despite how hard I tried, but it was absolutely delicious, and I was tempted to lick my plate clean.

I hate when recipes give exact measurements to things when it's as simple as a pinch of salt, a dash of seasoning, or a drizzle of honey.... so here are the ingredients....

Boneless skinless chicken breasts (one for each serving)
All purpose flour (wheat flour was originally used in the recipe so it would probably be pretty good...healthier, too)
Pinch of salt
Lemon pepper seasoning (I used Mrs.Dash salt free)
Chopped asparagus
Sliced lemon

Sift some flour into a shallow bowl and mix with a dash of salt. Lightly coat your chicken on both sides and cook in a skillet over medium heat with some butter. Sprinkle each side of chicken with lemon pepper seasoning directly in the pan. Depending on how thick or thin your chicken is, it will take 3-15 minutes to cook on each side. Cook until cooked all the way through and remove your chicken from the pan. I also cut a lemon in half and squeezed half the lemon over each side as it cooked. I love the flavor of lemon!

There should be a little butter and yummy little chunks of seasoning in your pan. Directly place your lemon slices into the pan with asparagus on top. This will allow the lemon to caramelize in all that yummy butter and chicken bits. I would say I cooked it about 10 mins, squeezing some of the other half of the lemon over it all as it cooked, and a dash of salt and pepper. Make sure the lemons are lightly browned, and asparagus soft.

You're now done! How easy was that?! Top your chicken with some lemon slices, and drizzle it with a bit of honey...this balances the acidity, and is SO yummy when you get a little taste of the sweet. Turns out we love asparagus, and loved this dish even more! Plating Hubby's plate, I warned him that it probably wouldn't fill him up, but was pleasantly surprised (and extremely shocked) when he was satisfied by the end of his meal. We agreed that this was a really nice light taste after the heavy fast food we had earlier in the day. I was happy that I found some thing healthy (could always make healthier) that we both enjoyed, and that I was working more towards my progression into gettin back on it!

Try this yummy recipe and let me know if you like it! If you can get it to look prettier than mine, please let me see so I can be envious. (:

Saturday, April 11, 2015

DIY Vanilla Almond Milk Coffee Creamer

My Stepson loves "banilla milk" before bed. Just some milk in a sippy cup with a dash of vanilla coffee creamer. We were getting low on our collection of creamers, and instead of adding his vanilla creamer to the grocery list, I decided to make my own! This way is probably cheaper, and definitely healthier. None of those unknown ingredients and chemicals, and much better than most DIY creamers because I used Almond milk! I keep almond milk for smoothies, oatmeal, anything I want to make healthier than using our 2% milk.

3 - 3 1/2 cups of vanilla almond milk
3 tbsps of Vanilla extract
1 can of sweetened condensed milk

Pour all the ingredients into your coffee creamer container. I had fat free Coffee Mate creamer, and 3 cups of almond milk fit perfectly. Unless you want to shake it up before you use it every time, mix it up in a blender. I used my magic bullet and it turned out perfectly smooth. This is DELICIOUS. I could pour it in a cup and sip on it all day. It tastes just as good as regular creamer, if not better. And I'll feel much better about giving it to my stepson since I know what's in it, and that it's not loaded with sugars. Try it out! (:

French Toast Two Ways!

French Toast is a huge comfort food to me. I learned how to make it very young, and have been making it for years. I love making it for my family, and my Hubby loves for me to make it even more! I have two ways to make it. The first is a sweet way, and the second is how I was told my Great Grandma made it. Both ways are delicious, and always make for a happy belly. If I wasn't suppose to be eating bread, I would eat a whole loaf of this stuff. It's that good. It's very common in West Virginia where I come from, but a lot of my new friends and family down here in Florida don't know how to make it! So here it is! (: 

Ingredients for the sweet way (makes 2 servings):
2 large eggs
A splash of milk
A splash of vanilla extract
Few dashes of cinnamon

Wish together the eggs and milk and make sure there's no clumps of eggs. You want to get it as smooth as possible so you're not just cooking eggs on top of a piece of bread. Mix in the cinnamon and vanilla and place a piece of bread in the mixture. Flip the bread on each side until it is evenly coated. Place in your greased pan over medium heat. I like to coat my pan in butter so it gets a pretty color and little bit of a crisp! You don't want to cook it too hot or the egg will instantly burn. Cook on each side until golden brown, and immediately top with some butter so it's nice and melted and soaked in while you make the rest of the french toast. Top with hot syrup and maybe even some powdered sugar.
This is what the mixture should look like -

Look at this yummy deliciousness!!

This makes two servings, but of course just one for my Hubby. I swear, I'm waiting for the day he blows up like a balloon. He still wasn't full after this.... Note: you'll want to add the powdered sugar first before the syrup or it will just absorb into the powdered sugar, causing you to not see it. And if you're like me, you'll add way too much! So if you're using powdered sugar, add it first! Also, one egg will make two pieces of bread. So say you're making breakfast for 5'll want to use 5 eggs to make 10 pieces of toast.

Ingredients for Grandma's toast (serves one):
One large egg
Splash of milk
Dash of salt
Few dashes of black pepper

Cook this exactly like the previous version. The mix should look like this:

This was MY plate since I'm TRYING to eat better.... LOL

So yummy and golden brown, and soaked in delicious butter. Yuuummmm!

This is easy to make healthier. You could use different milk, bread, butter, and eggs. Like wheat bread, skim milk, organic eggs, and fresh real butter. Could also serve with sugar free syrup. Make it your own and top it with yummy fruits or Nutella. Even peanut butter is wonderful!

Try it out and tell me how you like it! (:

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Bourbon Chicken

This is a recipe my Mom made, and immediately sent me. I went over to her house the next day with SS and she let us taste some left overs. We loved it so much that she cooked us up some real quick! It's super yummy, filling, and can easily be tailored to the amount of spice you like. Of course, easy to make as well!

2 pounds boneless chicken breastscut into bite-size pieces
1 tablespoon olive oil
garlic clovecrushed
1/4 teaspoon ginger
3/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 cup apple juice
1/3 cup light brown sugar
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon cornstarch(if thick sauce desired)

Heat your oil in a large skillet and cook your chicken bits until lightly browned. Remove chicken from skillet.

Mix your remaining ingredients together and add to the skillet. Cook until evenly mixed and dissolved. 

 Add your chicken and bring everything to a hard boil. Let it simmer for 20 minutes, uncovered. Serve over rice! That's all (: You can even just eat the chicken plain, cause its that good! The sauce is delicious, and you can always add more or less red pepper flakes for different heat levels. Hubby topped his bowl with flakes and added hot sauce. Surprise, surprise. This didn't take long at all, and we ate it alllll up!! Try it out! (: