Saturday, May 23, 2015

Bagel Pizzas

Hubby and I were starving and it was a lazy relaxing day, so I didn't feel like cooking. We ran to the store real quick, and grabbed some bagels and pepperoni. I had some pizza sauce that had been sitting in the cabinet for months and it sparked an idea while scrolling through Twitter...bagel pizzas!

Pizza sauce
Mozzarella cheese
Pepperoni or other toppings of your choice

I'll let the pictures do the talking....(:

Turn your oven on to broil and sit them on the top shelf for 2-3 minutes. After a minute or two watch them until they're melty and crispy. DO NOT turn your back on them! The second you do, they'll burn quicker than you can blink. SS LOVES these, and they're actually quite filling. Its music to my ears when my boys tell me their full, so this is a great easy lazy day meal or even a snack. Try it out!

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