Saturday, May 23, 2015

No Bake Cookies

If you've never had no bake cookies, you haven't lived... My Mom makes these and they're by far my favorite cookies ever. I can't eat enough of them!! I introduced these to Hubby and he's in love as well! SS loves to help me make them. He seems to have a thing for asking me how I make everything. I mean, EVERYTHING. Breakfast, his lunch, dinners, desserts, snacks...Curious 4 year old! I swear I ate one of these every night and maybe one or two during the day. Shush. They're just too good!!! Next to good old fashioned chocolate chip cookies, it doesn't get much better than this.

1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup whole milk
4 tbsp cocoa
1/2 cup smooth peanut butte
3 1/2 cups quick oats
2 tsp vanilla

In a saucepan, mix the first four ingredients together. Bring to a rolling boil, and let cook for 1 minute. In case you don't know, a rolling boil is when you stir the mixture and your stirring does not disrupt the boil or slow it down.
( little SS hands :D )

Next, add the last three ingredients and mix WELL. not take sauce pan off heat like in the picture! I did this mostly for a picture. You want everything to mix together while it's hot or your cookies will not harden, and will be sticky.

Drop mix onto parchment paper into cookie sizes, and let cool for a few hours until hardened.

Please, please, these! You will never be happier you ate a cookie. Try this yummy recipe out and let me know how you like it! (:

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