Sunday, March 1, 2015

Crescent Roll S'mores

It was a lazy morning today. Hubby let me sleep in and I didn't have any big plans for breakfast so we just had simple things. Hubs and SS were playing Kinect and I was watching my online shows when it hit me that I still had a can of crescent rolls left over from a big breakfast we had last week, and we now had Nutella and marshmallows! I've seen crescent roll s'mores on Pinterest I don't know how many times, so I jumped up and made some!

You'll learn very quickly on this blog, that we buy a LOT of Great Value and generic brands. I was raised on generic, and have always thought they were just as good as name brand. Some things, yes, you want to buy name brand, but if I can save a dollar on the same taste, I do it.
This is a super easy snack....only three ingredients.

Nutella or Hershey chocolate squares
Mini marshmallows
A can of crescent rolls

You want to start by preheating your oven according to the crescent roll directions, and grease your baking sheet or put down some parchment paper. I definitely recommend putting down parchment paper, because these got a bit messy while cooking. I have a fun mess to clean up (;
You want to put a small bit of Nutella or one square of chocolate on the middle of the longest edge of your crescent roll, and top with marshmallows. I found three to be a good amount. Four caused them to overflow out too much. Also, don't cover the whole edge with's a mess.

You'll notice the first top one was my tester, and I quickly learned how to do them the correct way HAHA. Roll them up and cook them according to the directions. Mine actually took one minute less than the directions and turned out perfect. I have a pretty powerful electric bill proves it. These are not pretty by any means, but turned out delicious.

I served these still pretty warm with some milk and Hubby and SS loved them! Every bite SS took came with a loud "Mmmm!!" So I think these will definitely be made again next time we have the ingredients laying around and want a sweet snack.

Also, I am currently using my iPhone for all of these pictures. :P We are still unpacking (mostly my things) and I haven't been able to find my camera. So if these pictures aren't Pinterest perfect for you, bear with me for a bit!! I hope you all try this out, and let me know how you liked them! It seriously was so quick. I think I made them all during the ads in my show, and they were a quick boost for Hubs before heading to work.
Enjoy! (:

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